Sunday, June 22, 2008

Rookie rear (whatever) wing

We took it off. It was butt-ugly. Maladar helped me a lot, he also used some chemicals, mostly brake cleaner (brain killer), polishing wax, interior wash and motor wash. I was pretty impressed with this.

I dubbed Maladar and Widric as chemical brothers.

Once again, a really nice day. We bought some junk food and bad-for-your-teeth kind of soft drinks.

This is how the car was before. As you can see from the first pic, the rear wing was broken. Another reason to remove it.

I believe that this is the company who made the rear wing.

This is the result. Maladar is pleased.

Maladar is cleaning the 4A-GZE. A little amount of cleaning agent and water was enough.

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