Tuesday, April 28, 2009

My (so called) vacation - nothing to do with MR2

Pic is taken somewhere between Gap and Sisteron in France... my (so called) vacation was about 1900km of driving through western europe.

Some highlights were the viaducts before Geneve and hilarious "Your route is being recalculated due to traffic problems" from navigator, about five times in row.

The scenery in the alps where we ended with the "avoid toll roads" settings is also worth of mention, and the hailstorm with +6C temperature just few kilometers outside Nice (Saint-Martin-du-Var, I think) was something I wouldn't have expected...

A small hint: if you're going to drive from Nice to San Remo, TAKE THE TOLL ROAD! The locals drive like assholes on the Italian side and roundabouts are obiviously too complicated for them.

Otherwise, the scenery again... wouah. Cote d'Azur, truely.

Thanks to my co-driver Thoron!

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